Friday, June 29, 2007


All that you need for this activity is a piece of chalk...Kids love to hop and skip. They can spend hours in the backyard playing hopscotch. May be you can also join them for a game or two. Hop and skip and have fun...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Magnifying Glass

'Magnifying Glasses' are wonderful. They are not expensive and the kids love it. Just give one to your child and let the child explore. Send the child to the garden and there are heaps of things in the garden that looks different under a magnifying glass. Turn them into mini scientists...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Balloon People

Blow up a few balloons...Give the kids some markers, tape and stickers. They can make faces on the balloons. Do the same for a few more different balloons (may be different colours). You end up with a balloon family. May be encourage the kids to make a play using the balloon family. Its creativity at work.

Singing and Dancing

This activity is more fun if parents get involved. If your children are between 1 and 5, then its an ideal activity for kids. Sit next to you child and sing the nursery rhymes...Clap and stand up and dance. Kids love it. Its so simple but is heaps of fun and a great bonding time.

Sort The Coins

We have a coin basket in our house. This is where all the loose change goes. The 5 cents, 10 cents, dollar, two dollars and sometimes currencies from different countries are all in the basket. Once in a while we play the game "sort the coins". I put the basket in front of my 5 year old daughter and ask her to sort the coins. All the 5 cents in one pile, 10 cents in an other and so on...She loves it. And lets not forget the learning that comes with this activity. I must confess though - 'learning' is not main criteria here. This activity is time consuming that means it keeps my daughter busy for a longer time and that means peace of mind for me for a longer time. And thats why I love this activity (and the 'earning' part feels good) !!!!!